Designed to clearly identify critical job competencies required in a broad band of job titles, categories and levels. Information gathered on the basis of a rigorous survey research methodology is subjected to stringent gap analysis. Critical areas of shortages in educational and training resources are clearly identified and recommendations on how to close or reduce gaps are made.
Customer Loyalty Survival Toolkit
Using market research, IMA will design and implement a Customer Loyalty Survival Toolkit for our clients which include the following components: timely and repeated measurements of customer satisfaction with key product and service elements, a Customer Loyalty Index, a Vulnerability Index, gap analysis, a SWOT (i.e., strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and tactics) assessment, and a Customer Alert Signal (rapid notification of issues or problems).
Employee Opinion Using Behavioral Research Methodology
IMA will create an Employee Opinion Survey which surveys employees on a variety of key work environment issues. The analysis of questionnaire data consists of deriving an Employee Commitment Index and determining key drivers of employee job satisfaction and commitment. Specific recommendations for improving the work environment are specified.